Yoga Tarot – Massimiliano Filadora / Adrianna Farina


Yoga Tarot – Massimiliano Filadora / Adrianna Farina

78-card deck & instructions
A new, revised edition of the original deck, now with an expanded booklet in which Massimiliano Filadoro delves into the connection bet ween Yoga and Tarot, two different paths toward the same goal: a profound knowledge of the self. The artwork recalls the style of old Vedic imagery, while the watercolours employ the tints and hues of the chakras. Featuring art inspired by the peaceful wisdom of ancient India, this new edition of Yoga Tarot encourages you to expand your spirituality one card at a time. Each suit corresponds with a system of yoga―mandalas in place of pentacles, lotus flowers instead of cups, trishilas (tridants) rather than swords, and vajra (ritual weapons) instead of wands. The included booklet provides both traditional and Eastern meanings for each card in the major arcana, so you can enhance your knowledge and achieve balance with this deck that truly unites Eastern and Western cultures.

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