The Art of Sexual Magic – Margo Anand


The Art of Sexual Magic: Cultivating Sexual Energy to Transform Your Life – Margo Anand

384 pages (paperback)
Restoring a sense of sacred significance to the act of lovemaking, the practice of sexual magic also enables couples to celebrate the highest form of erotic communication. Sexuality becomes a way to honour both physical instincts and spiritual yearnings. A world-renowned expert in the field of Tantric sexuality, Anand sensitively guides readers through a series of unique exercises, many of which are based on ancient erotic rituals. In the process, readers will become “sexual magicians,” gaining enchanting new powers that are magically accessible to every man and woman.
Beautifully illustrated, with more than sixty explanatory drawings, THE ART OF SEXUAL MAGIC is a life-changing book for those who seek to discover the magic potential of sexual energy. It invites lovers on an exciting, unexplored pathway and richly rewarding journey.

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