Super Attractor Book – Gabrielle Bernstein


Super Attractor Book: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams – Gabrielle Bernstein

213 pages (paperback)
This book is a journey of remembering  where your true power lifes. You’ll learn how to co-create the life you want, You’ll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don’t have to work so hard to get what you want. Most importantly, you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you give off a prescence of joy that elevates everyone around you.
Super Attractor is a manifesto for confidently claiming your desires. In these pages, you’ll learn how to:
  • Do less and attract more
  • Relax and trust that what you desire is on the way
  • Know that spiritual guidance is available to you at all times
  • Feel a sense of awe each day as you witness miracles unfold
Accepting that you are a Super Attractor will change everything. You’ll trust that it’s safe to release the past, and you’ll no longer fear the future. You’ll tap into an infinite source of abundance, energy, joy, and well-being. This well-being will become the norm for you, and you’ll grow to embrace it as your birthright. Most importantly, you’ll know intuitively how to show up for life and bring more light to the world around you.

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